
News Source of Educational Audiology

聴能情報誌  みみだより  第3巻  第489号  通巻574号

編集・発行人:みみだより会、立入 哉 〒790−0833 愛媛県松山市祝谷5丁目2−25 FAX:089-946-5211

立入 哉 :h-tachi@js2.so-net.ne.jp



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    − 聴覚障害乳幼児の聴性行動をどう評価するか −


開講日時   2005年3月12日(土) 10時から17時
3月13日(日) 9時から12時まで

会   場   放送大学愛媛学習センター4階第3講義室
対   象    聴覚障害の教育およびリハビリテーションにかかわる学校・学級・施設等の教職員
定   員   30人
申込方法   2005年3月10日(木)までに専用の銀行振込用紙にて受講料 6,000円をご送金の上,講習料振込証明書に銀行印のある振込受付証明書を添付し,必要事項をご記入いただきまして,愛媛大学教育学部学務係公開講座宛(〒790-8577 松山市文京町3番 Tel:089-927-9377)に送付して下さい。
高橋信雄(電話 089-927-9514 )へお尋ね下さい。

内   容   12日(土)
10:00−12:00 聴覚障害幼児の教育とコミュニケーション
13:00−17:00 聴覚障害乳幼児の聴性行動について
9:00−12:00 聴覚障害乳幼児の聴性行動について


照会先:〒790ー8577 松山市文京町3番 愛媛大学教育学部  聴覚言語
                         高橋信雄 宛(電話 089-927-9514)
受講照会先:〒790ー8577 松山市文京町3番 愛媛大学教育学部 学務係り
                      「公開講座」係り 宛(電話 089-927-9377)

平成17年 月 日

申込者氏名 Tel  
現 住 所 Fax  
勤 務 先   所在地
勤務年数 振込用紙 専用振込用紙 ( 送付希望 ・ 送付希望なし )



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ご注文先   あすなろ絵本会
〒661-0035兵庫県尼崎市武庫之荘2-13-17 北田方
電話・FAX番号 06−6436−2157



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 高村真理子著 日貿出版社 1890円 4-8170-8088-4
 児童福祉法規研究会監修 5880円 中央法規出版 4-8058-4563-5
 ルーシー・ゴードン中村地里著 宙出版 630円 4-7767-1542-2
 小薗真知子著 1500円 熊本日日新聞社 4-87755-193-X
 Brick Johnstone他編 松岡恵子ほか訳 4725円 新興医学出版社 4-88002-475-9
 水田茉莉著 1470円 文芸社 4-8355-8598-4
 奥住秀之監修 東京知的障害児教育研究会編 1575円 大月書店 4-272-41161-6
 ジョージ・J他著 田中康雄監修 3150円 明石書店 4-7503-2036-6
 庭野賀津子著 9975円 風間書房 4-7599-1460-9
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 渡部信一・本郷一夫・無藤隆編著 1995円 北大路書房 4-7628-2418-6
 高城寛志・星河美雪編著 2310円 クリエイツかもがわ 4-902244-26-8
 井上泰司・塩見洋介著 840円 かもがわ出版 4-87699-863-9
 辻井正次著 1680円 ブレーン出版 4-89242-758-6



★聴覚言語障害 33(2)2004
 橋知里・四日市章 69-76
「低周波数域での聴き取り訓練と副次的効果」原田英一 77-82
 −FM補聴システムによる語音聴取改善の検討−」武田篤 83-88
★リハビリテーション 2004(12)469
「デンマークの障害児教育とインクルージョン」片岡豊 30-34
★聴覚研究会資料 34(8)2004
「ビギナーズレクチャー:聴覚を知って補聴器を作る」鈴木陽一 533-536
 岩崎紀子,白石君男(九州大) 567-572
★ろう教育科学 46(3)2004
「人工内耳装用児の発音技能の推移(続報)」板橋安人 109-134
★小児耳鼻咽喉科 25(2)2004
「当院におけるダウン症児の聴覚管理について」留守幸,他 35-39
「乳幼児聴力検査の適応年齢に関する一考察」斉藤真純,他 40-45
「認知能力の個人内差が人工内耳装用後の言語発達に及ぼした影響」川崎聡大他 46-50
「発達障害を伴う言語習得期前難聴児における人工内耳装用後の経過」山本恵美他 51-55
「インドネシアに於ける難聴者支援」鈴木淳一 60-63
Interunational Jounal of Audiology 43(8)2004
Psychometric evaluation of children with suspected auditory processing disorders (APDs)
 using a parent-answered surveyHartmut Meister, Hasso von Wedel and Martin Walger
Effects of interferon-α2b on hearingIrfan Kaygusuz, Turkkan Oztiirk Kaygusuz, Ahmet
 Ozturk, Siileyman Sirn Kilic, Turgut Karlidag, Erol Keles and Sinasi Yalgin 438-441
Supplementary formulas and tables for calculating and interconverting speech recognition
 scores in transformed arcsine unitsRobert L Sherbecoe and Gerald A. Studebaker 442-448
Non-organic hearing loss redefined: understanding, categorizing and managing non-organic
 behaviourSally Austen and Catherine Lynch 449-457
The protective role of tiopronin in cisplatin ototoxicity in Wistar ratsAnna Rita Fetoni,
 Nicola Quaranta, Raffaella Marchese, Gabriella Cadoni, Gaetano Paludetti and Bruno Sergi  
Hearing assessment by recording multiple auditory steady-state responses: the influence of
 test durationHeleen Luts and Jan Wouters 471-479
Multiple-channel non-linear power hearing instruments for children with severe hearing
 impairment: long-term follow-upMark C. Flynn, Paul B. Davis and Randi Pogash 479-485
The prevalence and causes of hearing impairment in Oman: a community-based
 cross-sectional studyMazin Al Khabori and Rajiv Khandekar 486-492
International Journal of Audiology 43(9)2004
Is age at implant the only factor that counts?The influence of working memory on lexical and
 grammatical development in chilc with cochlear implant
 Ursula Willstect-Svensson, Anders Lofquist, Bengt Almqvist and Birgitta Sahlen 506-515
JSLHR 47(6)2004
Speech Inteligibility of Peciatric Cochlear Implant Recipients With 7 Years of Device Experience
 Shu-Chen Peng, Linda J. Spencer, and J. Bruce Tomblin 1227-1236
PAGE TEN: The Speech Intelligibility Index: What is it and what's it for?
 Benjamin W. Y. Hornsby 10-29
Lessons from other fields can help audiology complete transformatioi
 James G. Anderson andJudith Nemes 30-33
Using the 1000-Hz probe tone to measure immittance in infants
 Johannes Lantz, Michelle Petrak, and Laura Prigge 34-43
Vent is designed to reduce occlusion effect while preserving gain
 Charlotte Thunberg jespersen and Jennifer Groth 44-47
Hearing assistance technology: Making a world of differenceMark Ross 12-19
A cochlear implant user's guide to assistive devices and telephones
 Angela Wieker and Linn Tearney 20-27
Goals and outcomes of FM use by adults
 Theresa Hnath Chisolm, Rachel McArdle, Harvey Abrams, and Colleen M. Noe 28-35
Personal FM systems offer consumers more than before
 John A. Nelson, C. Blake LaRue, and Michele Barr-O'Rourke 36-42
Integrating assistive technology into a hearing aid practiceDonna S. Wayner 43-45
Plotting beyond the audiogram to the TELEGRAM, a new assessment tool
 Linda M. Thibodeau 46-51
Hearing 25(3)2004
Effects of Spectre-Temporal Asynchrony in Auditory and Auditory-Visual Speech Processing
 Ken W. Grant, Ph.D., Steven Greenberg, Ph.D., David Poeppel, Ph.D., and Virginie van
 Wassenhove, Ph.D. 241-256
The Ears of the Deaf Unstopped: Changes Associated with Cochlear Implantation
 Ann E. Geers, Ph.D. 257-268
New Approaches to Understanding the Human Brain:Three Theoretical Models and a Test
 BatteryJudith L. Lauter, Ph.D. 269-280
Hearing 25(4)2004
Early Detection of Hearing Loss: Maintaining a Family-Centered Perspective
 Marilyn Sass-Lehrer, Ph.D. 295-308
Family-Centered Audiologic Assessment for Infants and Young Children with Hearing Loss
 Judith S. Gravel, Ph.D., and Cristen C. McCaughey, M.S. 309-318
Stories of Origin in the Identification of Hearing Loss among Neonates
 Dana Kovarsky, Ph.D., Ellen Kurtzer-White, Au.D.,and Madeline Maxwell, Ph.D. 319-332
When Hearing Loss Occurs with Multiple DisabilitiesJackson Roush, Ph.D.,
 Meredith A. Holcomb, B.A., Patricia A. Roush, MA.,and Maria Luisa Escolar, M.D. 333-345
AUDIOLOGY 12(2)2003
Internet Application to Tele-Audiology "Nothin" but Net"
 Gregg D. Givens and Saravanan Elangovan 59-65
Doctor of Audiology Program at the University of Florida
 Alice E. Holmes and Scott K. Griffiths 66-70
Ball State University's AuD Degree
 Thomas F. Hemeyer, David J. Coffin, and Claudia D. Updike 71-75
Audiological Assessment, Rehabilitation, and Spatial Hearing Considerations Associated With
 Visual Impairment in Adults:An OverviewJudith T. Blumsack 76-83
Predicted Gain and Functional Gain With Transcranial Routing of Signal
 Completely-in-the-Canal Hearing Aids
 Marc A. Fagelson, Colleen M. Noe, Owen D. Murnane, and Jennifer S. Blevins 84-90
The Prediction of Hearing Loss in Persons With Cerebral Palsy Using Contralateral Acoustic
 Reflex Threshold for Broad-Band NoiseMichele B. Emmer and Shlomo Silman 91-95
Effects of Noise and Reverberation on the Precedence Effect in Listeners With Normal Hearing
 and Impaired HearingRichard A. Roberts, Janet Koehnke, and Joan Besing 96-105
Evaluating the Benefit of Speech Recoding Hearing Aids in Children
 Denise R. Miller-Hansen, Peggy B. Nelson, Judith E. Widen, and Stephen D, Simon 106-113
Speech Perception Benefits From Sound Field FM Amplification
 Lisa Lucks Mendel, Richard A. Roberts, and Julie H. Walton 114-124
Estimation of Hearing Loss in Children: Comparison of Auditory Steady-State Response,
 Auditory Brainstem Response, and Behavioral Test Methods
 Melissa Payne Stueve and CarolAnn O'Rourke 125-136
Older Adult Performance on an Altered Version of the SSI Test
 Nancy L. Aarts, Elizabeth M. Adams, and Kathy R. Duncan 137-145
EAR and HEARING 2004(25)5
Better Speech Perception in Noise With an Assistive Multimicrophone Array for Hearing Aids
 Heleen Luts, Jean-Baptiste Maj, Wim Soede, and Jan Wouters 411-420
Wideband Reflectance Measures of the Ipsilateral Acoustic Stapedius Reflex Threshold
 M. Patrick Feeney, Douglas H. Keefe, and Chris A. Sanford 421-430
Sensitivity and Specificity of Averaged Electrode Voltage Measures in Cochlear Implant
 RecipientsMichelle L Hughes, Carolyn J. Brown, and Paul J. Abbas 431-446
Toward a Battery of Behavioral and Objective Measures to Achieve Optimal Cochlear Implant
 Stimulation Levels in Children
 Karen A. Gordon, Blake C. Papsln, and Robert V. Harrison 447-463
Short- and Long-Term Outcomes of Adult Audiological Rehabilitation
 Theresa Hnath Chisolm, Harvey B. Abrams, and Rachel McArdle 464-477
New Version of the TEN Test With Calibrations in dB HL
 Brian C. J. Moore, Brian R. Glasberg, and Michael A. Stone 478-487
Sensitivity to Interaural Level and Envelope Time Differences of Two Bilateral Cochlear
 Implant Listeners Using Clinical Sound ProcessorsBernhard Laback, Stefan-Marcel Pok,
 Wolf-Dieter Beumngartner, WernerA. Deutsch, and Karin Schmid 488-500
Effects of Speech Processing Strategy on Chinese Tone Recognition by Nucleus-24 Cochlear
 Implant UsersQian-Jie Fu, Chuan-Jen Hsu, and Mei-Ji Horng 501-508
Building pretend play skills in toddlers with and without hearing loss: Maternal scaffolding
 stylesP Margaret Brown, Maria D Remine 129-153
The effects of degree and type of hearing loss on children's performance in class
 Tova Most 154-166
Hand in hand: progression routes in British Sign Language in the KS5 curriculum
 Henriette Harnisch, Craig Smith, Kristiaan Dekesel 167-170
Summary: Teaching strategies used to develop short-term memory in deaf children
 Isabel Gibson 171-172
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 15(7)2004
Subtitled Videos and Mismatch Negativity(MMN)Investions of Spoken Word Processing
 Chatharine M. Pettigrew, Bruce E. Murdoch, Curtis W. Ponton, Joseph Kei, Helen J. Chenery,  and Paavo Alku 469-485
Rebisiting Loudness MEasures in CHildren Using a Computer Method of Cross-Modality
 Matching(CMM)Yula Cherpelis Serpanos and Judith S. Gravel 486-497
Limiting High-Frequency Hearing Aid Gain in Listerners with and without Suspected
 Cochlear Dead RegionsCarol Mackersie, Tracy L. Crocker, and Rebecca A. Davis 498-507
Speech Intelligibility of Young Schho-Aged Children in the Presence of Real-Life Classroom
 NoiseDnald G. Jamieson, Garry Kranjc, Karen Yu, and William E. Hodgetts 508-517
ERP Evidence of a Dichotic Left-Ear Deficit in Some Dyslexic ChildrenDeborah Moncreiff,
 James Jerger, Ilse Wambaco, Ralf Greenwald, and Jeffrey Black 518-534


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