編集・発行人:みみだより会、立入 哉 〒790−0833 愛媛県松山市祝谷5丁目2−25 FAX:089-946-5211
立入 哉 :h-tachi@js2.so-net.ne.jp
- 学会誌・研究会誌 Contents
- 学校の中でできる配慮 −学校行事編−※
- 関連領域新刊図書
- 「聴覚障害テーマに劇」徳島新聞2002年6月15日掲載※
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★The Volta Review 102(4),2000「Cochlear Implantation inYoung Children: Effects of Age at Implantation and Communication
Mode」 Karen Her Kirk, Richard T.Miyamoto, Elizabeth A.Ying,Amy E. Perdew and Helen
Zuganelis,127-144「Measurement of Articulation in Pediatric Users of Cochlear Implants」
Steven B. Chin and Cara Lento Kaiser,145-156「Consonant Cluster Production by Pediatric Users of Cochlear Implants」
Steven B. Chin, Ph.D., and Kevin R. Finnegan, M.D.,157-174「Speech Intelligibility of Profoundly Deaf Pediatric Hearing Aid Users」
M.A.Svirsky, S.B.Chin,Richard T. Miyamoto, R.B. Sloan and Matthew D. Caldwell,175-198★International Journal of Audiology 41(7)2002「Effects of high-frequency emphasis and compression time constants on speech intelligibility in
noise」Thijs van Toor and Hans Verschuure,379-394「Horizonal localization and speech intelligibility with bilateral and unilateral hearing aid
amplification」S.Kobler and U.Rsenhall,395-400「Adaptive noise suppression for a dual microhpone hearing aid」
Jan Wouters,Jeff Vanden Berghe,and Jean-Baptiste Maj,401-407「Is the real-ear to coupler difference independent of the measurement earphone?」
Kevin J. Munro and Vanessa A. Salisbury,408-413「The effects of phonemic compression and anti-upward-psread-of-masking(anti-USOM) on the
perception of articulatory features in hearing-impaired listeners」Andre Goedegebure,Marieke
Goedegebure-Hulshof,Hans Verschuure and Wouter A. Dreschler,414-428「Evalution of cochlear implant benefit with auditory cortical evoked potentials」
Andy J. Beynon,Ad F. M. Snik and Paul van den Broek★Seminars in Hearing 23(4)2002「Central Auditory System and Central Auditory processing Disorders: Some Conceptual Issues」
Dennis P. Phillips,251-262「Plasticity, Auditory Training, and Auditory Processing Disorders」
Frank E. Musiek,Jennifer Shinn and Christine Hare,263-276「Auditory Processing Disorders: Management Approaches Past to Present」
Diane Wertz, James W. Hall and Wes Davis,277-286「Developing Deficit-Specific Intervention Plants for Individuals with Auditory Processing
Disorders」Teri JAmes Bellis,287-296「Auditory Training: Principles and Approaches for Remediating and Managing Auditory
Processing Disorders」GAil D. Chermak and Frank E. Musiek,297-308「Classroom Acoustics and Personal FM Technology in Management of Auditory Processing
Disorder」 Gail Gegg Rosenberg,309-318「Managing Children's Auditory Processing Deficits in the Real World: What Teachers and Want
to Know」Jeanane M. Ferre,319-364★Journal of the American Academy of Audiology12(10)2001「Evalution of Hearing Handicaps and Presbyacusis Using World Wide Web-Based Calculators」
Kevin T. Kavanagh,497-505「Effects of Release Time and Directionality on Unilaterl and Bilateral Hearing Aid Fittings in
Complex Sound Fields」
Marni L. Novick,Ruth A. Bentler,Andrew Dittberner,and Gregory A,Flamme,534-544★特殊教育学研究 40(3)2002「単語認知における統語的・意味的なプライミング効果−聴覚障害児と健聴児に関して−」
相澤宏充,吉野公喜,293-302★日本音響学会誌58(2)2002「最小可聴値とラウドネス曲線をめぐる最近の話題」鈴木陽一,竹島久志,130-137★BRITISH JOURNAL OF AUDIOLOGY 35.5「Systematic review of the clinical and cost effectiveness of digital hearing aids」
R.S.Taylor,S.Paisley and A.Davis,271-288「The hearing aid ‘effect’ revisited in young adults」
K.M.Cienkowski and V.Pimentel,289-296「Use of the ‘real-ear to dial difference’to derive real-ear SPL from hearing level obtained with
insert earphones」 K.J.Munro and A.Lazenby,297-306「Comparison of the electroacoustic characteristics of five hering aids」
B.C.J.Moore,M.A.Stone and J.I.Alcantara,307-325★THE HEARING JOURNAL 55(10)2002「PAGE TEN: A short guide to vestibular testing and rehabilitation」 Richard E. Gans,10-37「Three-microphone instrument is designed extend benefits of directionality」
Thomas A. Powers他,38-45「Preserving directional benefits for new users wearing smaller hearing aids」Francis K. Kuk,46-53「PATHWAYS: When children have difficulty with vowels」Frank E. Musiek,59
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