
News Source of Educational Audiology

聴能情報誌  みみだより  第3巻  第451号  通巻536号

編集・発行人:みみだより会、立入 哉 〒790−0833 愛媛県松山市祝谷5丁目2−25 FAX:089-946-5211

立入 哉 :h-tachi@js2.so-net.ne.jp



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★The Volta Review 102(4),2000
「Cochlear Implantation inYoung Children: Effects of Age at Implantation and Communication
 Mode」 Karen Her Kirk, Richard T.Miyamoto, Elizabeth A.Ying,Amy E. Perdew and Helen
「Measurement of Articulation in Pediatric Users of Cochlear Implants」
 Steven B. Chin and Cara Lento Kaiser,145-156
「Consonant Cluster Production by Pediatric Users of Cochlear Implants」
 Steven B. Chin, Ph.D., and Kevin R. Finnegan, M.D.,157-174
「Speech Intelligibility of Profoundly Deaf Pediatric Hearing Aid Users」
 M.A.Svirsky, S.B.Chin,Richard T. Miyamoto, R.B. Sloan and Matthew D. Caldwell,175-198
★International Journal of Audiology 41(7)2002
「Effects of high-frequency emphasis and compression time constants on speech intelligibility in
 noise」Thijs van Toor and Hans Verschuure,379-394
「Horizonal localization and speech intelligibility with bilateral and unilateral hearing aid
 amplification」S.Kobler and U.Rsenhall,395-400
「Adaptive noise suppression for a dual microhpone hearing aid」
 Jan Wouters,Jeff Vanden Berghe,and Jean-Baptiste Maj,401-407
「Is the real-ear to coupler difference independent of the measurement earphone?」
 Kevin J. Munro and Vanessa A. Salisbury,408-413
「The effects of phonemic compression and anti-upward-psread-of-masking(anti-USOM) on the
 perception of articulatory features in hearing-impaired listeners」Andre Goedegebure,Marieke
 Goedegebure-Hulshof,Hans Verschuure and Wouter A. Dreschler,414-428
「Evalution of cochlear implant benefit with auditory cortical evoked potentials」
 Andy J. Beynon,Ad F. M. Snik and Paul van den Broek
★Seminars in Hearing 23(4)2002
「Central Auditory System and Central Auditory processing Disorders: Some Conceptual Issues」
 Dennis P. Phillips,251-262
「Plasticity, Auditory Training, and Auditory Processing Disorders」
 Frank E. Musiek,Jennifer Shinn and Christine Hare,263-276
「Auditory Processing Disorders: Management Approaches Past to Present」
 Diane Wertz, James W. Hall and Wes Davis,277-286
「Developing Deficit-Specific Intervention Plants for Individuals with Auditory Processing
 Disorders」Teri JAmes Bellis,287-296
「Auditory Training: Principles and Approaches for Remediating and Managing Auditory
 Processing Disorders」GAil D. Chermak and Frank E. Musiek,297-308
「Classroom Acoustics and Personal FM Technology in Management of Auditory Processing
 Disorder」 Gail Gegg Rosenberg,309-318
「Managing Children's Auditory Processing Deficits in the Real World: What Teachers and Want
 to Know」Jeanane M. Ferre,319-364
★Journal of the American Academy of Audiology12(10)2001
「Evalution of Hearing Handicaps and Presbyacusis Using World Wide Web-Based Calculators」
 Kevin T. Kavanagh,497-505
「Effects of Release Time and Directionality on Unilaterl and Bilateral Hearing Aid Fittings in
 Complex Sound Fields」
 Marni L. Novick,Ruth A. Bentler,Andrew Dittberner,and Gregory A,Flamme,534-544
★特殊教育学研究 40(3)2002
「Systematic review of the clinical and cost effectiveness of digital hearing aids」
 R.S.Taylor,S.Paisley and A.Davis,271-288
「The hearing aid ‘effect’ revisited in young adults」
 K.M.Cienkowski and V.Pimentel,289-296
「Use of the ‘real-ear to dial difference’to derive real-ear SPL from hearing level obtained with
 insert earphones」 K.J.Munro and A.Lazenby,297-306
「Comparison of the electroacoustic characteristics of five hering aids」
 B.C.J.Moore,M.A.Stone and J.I.Alcantara,307-325
「PAGE TEN: A short guide to vestibular testing and rehabilitation」 Richard E. Gans,10-37
「Three-microphone instrument is designed extend benefits of directionality」
 Thomas A. Powers他,38-45
「Preserving directional benefits for new users wearing smaller hearing aids」Francis K. Kuk,46-53
「PATHWAYS: When children have difficulty with vowels」Frank E. Musiek,59



 障害児就学相談研究会編集 中央法規出版 2600円 4-8058-2337-2
 上野矗・竹田契一監修 守屋国光編  風間書房 3500円 4-7599-1372-6
★学校で役立つDSM−IV DSM−IV−TR対応最新版
 アルヴィン・ハウス著 上地安昭監訳 誠信書房 3300円 4-414-42857-2
 松沢大樹編著 日本放送出版協会 2600円 4-14-009317-X
 矢野知彦著 旬報社 1500円 4-8451-0772-4
 田中ひろし著 岩崎書店 3000円 4-265-05161-8


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